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Traditional Prime Brokerage vs. DeFi Prime Brokerage

This article explores the distinctions between traditional and DeFi prime brokerage, highlighting how Arkis offers a decentralized, transparent, and secure alternative by eliminating counterparty risk, avoiding rehypothecation, and empowering users with complete control over their financial activities.

Aug 31, 2024

11 min read

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Product Development Update - June 2024

This month, Arkis achieved significant milestones by ramping up transaction volumes, generating new user cases, and adding new features.

Jul 8, 2024

2 min read

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Product Development Update - May 2024

This month, Arkis hit significant milestones in Pendle integration, launched new institutional client functionalities, and implemented several product enhancements.

Jun 10, 2024

3 min read

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Product Development Update - April 2024

This month, Arkis made significant advancements in our platform's development, including Pendle Protocol integration, enhanced lending and borrowing interfaces, and new design mock-ups.

Apr 30, 2024

8 min read

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Arkis's Approach to Risk Management in Depeg Events

Explore how Arkis responds to DeFi crises with robust risk management practices and a focus on lender protection. This article delves into our strategic approach to safeguarding investments and ensuring stability, detailing our core principles, valuation adjustments, and ethical liquidation practices.

Apr 26, 2024

8 min read

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